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Wire Forming Services

New FTX10 Numalliance 3D Wire Bender

For over 50 years, every wire formation produced by Salco Engineering went through an elongated process. This process involved straightening the wire, doing simple bends, cutting, and finally forming it into the exact style necessary to complete the work order. From start to finish, the process included several stations, loads of manpower, and lots of labor related costs.  In July of 2015, this process received a much needed, modernized facelift. (more…)

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Salco News

Salco’s New Building

The atmosphere of SALCO Engineering & Manufacturing, Inc. has undergone significant updates since its beginning in 1963. For over fifty years, the family-owned and operated company resided on the northern skirts of Jackson’s downtown. While the building was once sufficient, it was lacking in functionality and slowly becoming unable to provide SALCO with the necessary room to grow and expand. The company was confined to working bending processes and wire formation in old, prolonged ways. When the opportunity for a new space presented itself, President Jim Flack jumped on it. (more…)

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Albert Lexie Salco

Albert Lexie Donates $200,000 to Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital

Albert Lexie has been shining shoes at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh since the 1980s. He donates all of his tips to the hospital’s Free Care Fund, which ensures that all child patients receive the medical care they need regardless of their families’ ability to pay. What makes this gesture so awe-inspiring is that Mr. Lexie only earns about $10,000 a year. Mr. Lexie refers to the patients and children at the hospital as “Albert’s kids.” Check out the videos below, highlighting Albert’s incredible story. The purple cart Albert uses was designed and manufactured by Salco Engineering.


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Sharp Park Salco

Salco Sponsors School Fundraiser

Fundraising has never been more fun for Sharp Park Academy elementary school students.

This year, instead of selling candy bars, coupon books or gift wrap to benefit their school, the students collected sponsorships for an obstacle course they spent the day running Friday, Oct. 4.

“This is awesome,” said 9-year-old fourth-grader Demarion Smith. “I’ve run it like five times.”

The SPAbstacle Course, hosted by the school’s Parent Teacher Organization, netted about $9,600, which will be used for upgrades to playground equipment and the purchase of educational tools and project materials, said Ben Lasky, a parent who helped organize the event.

Salco sponsors this fundraising event.


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Salco Golden Touch

Salco’s Golden Touch

Innovation. Integrity. Longevity. These cornerstones have not only helped Salco Engineering and Manufacturing Co. survive for half a century, they’ve helped it thrive.

Salco, founded in 1963, designs and manufactures components for material handling systems, including baskets and inserts, carts and racks for bakery, automotive, medical and industrial clients. Their systems contain everything from gear parts used in auto assembly lines to loaves of bread stored on racks.

“We’re proud of our longevity,” said Salco President Jim Flack, who sat down for an interview in an upstairs office. “A big reason for that is our emphasis on innovation. We’re always trying to stay one step ahead.” (more…)

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Salco Turns 50

In January 2013 Salco Engineering and Manufacturing will be celebrating its 50th year as a strong Jackson business, one that continues to grow and thrive in a changing automotive industry. First opened in 1963, Salco was originally run by three men: Bob Currier, Harold Bussing, and Walt Mitchner. Jim Flack joined the team in 1979, after working as an elementary physical education teacher. Flack made the move to Salco due to district budget cuts, and 23 years later Flack found himself as president of the company. “One thing led to another, I moved up quickly in the company, and never went back to teaching,” says Flack. (more…)

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In This Corner – Article by Citizen Patriot

Salco Engineering and Manufacturing Co. was started in 1963 by Bob Currier, Harold Bussing and Walt Mitchner. Jim Flack began working for Salco in 1979, and eight years ago became company president. Not only has management changed since the business started 47 years ago, but the changing automotive industry has affected the business as well. The industry now requires cleaner parts made in a cleaner plant. Salco has been able to meet that requirement and has thrived during the difficult times. Shannon Maynard recently sat down with Flack and his son, David, who is an estimator with Salco, to discuss the business.Question: What does Salco Engineering and Manufacturing do? (more…)

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